Daily Horoscope for Leo

Horoscope Cast for Monday, June 6th, 2022

by daniel "whelland" dowd

Daily Horoscope for Leo Summary

Today I Start my Life Anew..!!

You could look at today's chart as the 'introduction' to the real 'New Age'... Even though it started a while ago, this is when the solid effects will begin to materialize... The main thrust is being able to separate fantasy from reality... But then again, everybody has a different view of what reality is all about! hehe... So perhaps you could call this the realization of what 'life and death' is all about not just of the body, but more importantly of the 'heart and soul'.

"The greatest fear in the world is of the 'Opinions of Others'
...And the moment you are Unafraid of the Crowd...
...You are no longer a Sheep...
...You become a Lion...
...A Great Roar Arises in your Heart...
...The Roar of Freedom...

(2022: 2+0+2+2 = 6)
(Numerology: 06-06-2022 = 6.6.6.
I wonder if something wacky or strange will happen today??

Today's chart is awesome as the qualities of the energies I mentioned above are now very active... Good intentions do not always bring about good results... How many times over the past 25+ years have you heard/read me say "But I though ____ would happen"... hehe... It is that same vibe we are being asked to do... To examine our current direction to ensure it is leading us to where we want to go... So we do not find ourselves sayin' the "but I thought" excuse.

When the chart is awesome, I tell ya's...
When the chart is challenging (like now) I tell ya too... I am not here to 'blow sunshine up your ass'... hehe... Seriously, these 'Scopes are really 'notes I am making to myself' to help keep me on track and not side-tracked following 'dead-end paths'... Whether you 'believe' in the Spiritual Significance of the charts and numbers, that is up to you... But make no mistake about it... Those that control and pulls the strings on the Earth surely do believe and follow it...
Or, as J.P. Morgan once said...
Millionaires don't need Astrologers... But Billionaires do!!

Today's chart is all about taking the extra time and effort to make sure the things we do are done 'right' and with 'precision'... I could write pages about all the significance of all the transits but I do my best to bring it into realistic reality that is simple enough for me and those of you that are also in the class of 'life for slow learners'... hehe...

That's it for now...
Thanks for stoppin' by..!!
I'll talk to you guys later...
Keep the Faith... Better Days and Higher Love are comin' soon...

daniel "whelland" dowd

The Daily Horoscope for Leo

The daily horoscope for Leo has an energy that helps you see past any of the illusions so you may determine the real/true value of things... This is when great insights and wisdom can be made... Listen closely to what others are saying!!

Yesterday's Horoscope       Tomorrow's Horoscope

daily horoscopes:

( Red = Fire ) * ( Green = Earth ) * ( Purple=Air ) * ( Blue = Water )
Aries  Taurus  Gemini  Cancer  Leo  Virgo 

Libra  Scorpio  Sagittarius  Capricorn  Aquarius  Pisces 

weekly horoscopes:

  ( Red = Cardinal ) ( Green = Fixed ) ( Blue = Mutable )
  Aries  Taurus  Gemini  Cancer  Leo  Virgo 

Libra  Scorpio  Sagittarius  Capricorn  Aquarius  Pisces 

Today's Astrology Quote of the Day:
The starry vault of heaven is in truth the open book of cosmic projection.....
~ Carl Jung

Daily Tao

The five colors make one blind in the eyes
The five sounds make one deaf in the ears
The five flavors make one tasteless in the mouth

Racing and hunting make one wild in the heart
Goods that are difficult to acquire make one cause damage

Therefore the sages care for the stomach and not the eyes
That is why they discard the other and take this
