Weekly Horoscope for Pisces
Song of the Week
I'm just a Good boy...working hard to get my pay
A little time...
A little trouble...
A Better Day
I see no reason as for why it cannot be
A little time... A little trouble... A Better Day
You bury your head in the things you said, that's fine
But the days go by and you know it's getting dark at nine
You give all you want...
But you take away what's mine
We can make it better, baby...
So much better all the time
Just a Good boy...
Looking hard to see my way
A little time...
A little trouble...
A Better Day
I see no reason as for why it cannot be
A little time... A little trouble... A Better Day
Well, you bury your head in the things you said, that's fine
But the days go by and you know it's getting dark at nine
You give all you want...
But you take away what's mine
We can make it better
Baby, so much better all the time
Just a Good boy...
Looking hard to see my way
A little time... A little trouble...
Better Days
((( Badfinger - Better Days )))
Horoscope Cast for Monday, October 7th, 2024
by daniel "whelland" dowd
Weekly Horoscope for Pisces Summary
This week I Start my Life Anew..!!
This week's chart can have powerful emotional surges... That can have a lot to do with when the things that we are seeing doesn't match up with reality or common sense... Very much like the story of "The Emporers New Clothes"... Where we can put 'blinders' to prevent us from being 'different'... That isn't much of a problem for those of us in the "Life for Slow Learners" group... hehe... But we're goin' to be hearin' a lot of people beginning to scratch their heads and startin' to ask questions like "How come ____?"... "Why _____?"... etc etc... ('you know the drill')...
The Age of Pisces was there to create the dreams of what could be... The Aquarian Age is there to turn those dreams into realities... Now that sounds great to most people... But there are those in the highest realms of power and control that do not want to give up their authority... That has to do with a retrograde Pluto on the cusp of Capricorn/Aquarius... Like when a kid realizes they no longer need to hold a parents hand when walkin' down the street... Yeah, they may stumble a few times at first, but in no time they're walkin' and not even thinkin' about how their legs 'know what to do'.
The Aquarian Age energy is both brilliant, but it can also be rather 'short and blunt' at times too... Especially when people are focused on issues and problems that can be instantly rectified... Trackin' with me on this... So very soon (and I mean VERY SOON) we are goin' to see the most fantastic advancements in technology... Stuff that's been held back for decades because there was still so much $$$ to be made in the old products and services... Like Hydrogen Cars... No pollution... (only water vapor)... Endless supply of it... (air, water)... So we hear... "But what will all the Gas Stations do?... And the pollution/danger of bad electric car batteries is always completely ignored.
I know this sounds like a rant... (ok, maybe a little bit of it is)... hehe... But the point is that there are ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES for each of us... Aquarius energy is all about finding and using the best possible answers and solutions... I realize I'm not the guy that knows how to get all that done... But I am smart enough to be able to read the charts... This is where it's goin'... People can resist it but sooner or later...
As Good ol' Chiron said...
Whether You Push or Pull oh Sisyphus...
...The Rock is Destined to Roll!!
That's it for now...
Thanks for stoppin' by..!!
I'll talk to you guys later...
Keep the Faith...
Better Days and Higher Love are comin' soon...
daniel "whelland" dowd
The Weekly Horoscope for Pisces
The Weekly Horoscope for Pisces has that kind of chart energy where others are just waitin' for you to be the one that steps forward and makes everything right again... (so what else is new)... hehe... But most of the time, they haven't a clue what that may be... (neither will you for that matter)... It's really all about finding the balance between what you want to accomplish, and what is realistically within your immediate powers... Where you just have to make the most of what you have to work with this week!!
Last Week's Horoscope Next Week's Horoscope
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
weekly horoscopes:
( Red = Cardinal ) ( Green = Fixed ) ( Blue = Mutable )Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
The stars in the heavens sing a music if only we had ears to hear.
~ Pythagoras
Daily Tao
Those that attained oneness since ancient times:The sky attained oneness and thus clarity
The earth attained oneness and thus tranquility
The gods attained oneness and thus divinity
The valley attained oneness and thus abundance
The myriad things attained oneness and thus life
The rulers attained oneness and became the standard for the world
These all emerged from oneness
The sky, lacking clarity, would break apart
The earth, lacking tranquility, would erupt
The gods, lacking divinity, would vanish
The valley, lacking abundance, would wither
Myriad things, lacking life, would be extinct
The rulers, lacking standard, would be toppled
Therefore, the honored uses the lowly as basis
The higher uses the lower as foundation
Thus the rulers call themselves alone, bereft, and unworthy
Is this not using the lowly as basis? Is it not so?
Therefore, the ultimate honor is no honor
Do not wish to be shiny like jade
Be dull like rocks
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