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Sacred Place in Space...

A Time for Surrender and Healing

Dear Mindfulness Friends,
As we continue to recover from the recent hurricane, we're also preparing for another significant celestial event. On Wednesday, October 2nd, we'll experience a solar eclipse in Libra. This powerful energy offers a unique opportunity for closure and new beginnings.

Astrologer Chani Nicholas notes that this Libra eclipse energy promotes balance and fairness. It encourages us to surrender, letting go of resentments and pain. By opening our hearts and trusting the universe, we can create space for healing to occur.

This week, let's come together to ground our energy and embrace both our light and our shadows. Here are some opportunities:

  • Kirtan with Marjorie:
    While our Tuesday Kirtan is on pause this week, feel free to create your own sacred space and chant your favorite mantra. I'll be sending healing energy using the Ra Ma Da Sa mantra from 7:30-8:30 PM EDT.

  • Grace & Gratitude Meditation with Donna:
    Join us on Thursday for a celestial communication meditation.

  • Fusion Yoga with Cathy:
    Enjoy a balanced and rejuvenating yoga practice on Friday.

All classes are included with your Monthly Access membership.

We hope to see you soon as we navigate these powerful energies together. Book your sessions by clicking the button below or above.

With gratitude, Your Sacred Place In Space Team

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