Daily Horoscope for Aries ♈

(March 21 - April 19)
Horoscope Cast for: Friday, August 10th, 2018

by daniel 'whelland' dowd

Today's Horoscope Summary...

Today I Start my Life Anew...
Let's slip into the abstract for a moment Moon-Doggies...
In astrology, there is "no such thing" as a "good" aspect or a "bad" aspect... (aspects are planet connections)... All there really are, is connections... The "Good" and "Bad" are judgments defined by the view of the individual observer, although there are some things that are generally accepted to be one or the other... And being observers, we can always find what we are looking for to justify our "judgments".

Just watch how there will be an information flood in the weeks to come now that Mercury has backed up behind the Sun and is now starting to get the story and facts straight... My interpretation of this chart would be: "This is when we really need to pay close attention, because this is when the Big Spirit tries to reveal the truths that can help us to remain solid and balanced".

But not everybody believes in a "Big Spirit"... Some might see it as "the universe" or the "Rainbow Unicorn" or perhaps that there is nothing but a mathematical force that holds everything together... Who really knows for sure?... We may "feel" that we are 100% correct but that doesn't guarantee we actually are... Trackin' with me on this?...

The point I am trying to get to... (but struggling with finding the right way to say it)... Perhaps the Big Spirit (or fill in any term that may be acceptable to you... hehe) is trying to tell us that we are asking the wrong questions or looking in the wrong directions... Making too big of a deal over the things that do not really matter while completely ignoring the major things that go un-noticed or cared about... We can debate this or that... But does it bring a positive resolution?... Are trying to ease the symptoms rather than deal with the real disease... Make sense?

The old guys I used to work with at the truck shop when I was a kid, had the most practical down to earth wisdom... They'd cut you short in a second with a statement that allowed you to see the situation in a different perspective... Someone would go into a rant about this guy or that guy... this thing or that thing or whatever... And they'd be totally laid back and say "Before you cry shit, check your own underwear"... Then there'd be silence usually followed by laughter.

That's it for now... I'll talk to you guys tomorrow...

Keep the Faith... Better Days and Higher Love are comin' soon...

daniel "whelland" dowd

I gotta admit, I am a bit distracted today... Tomorrow could be a really big and important day for me... So if you can, keep me in your thoughts and prayers (if you are a prayin' kinda person hehe)... Not so that "I get what I want"... But for the Big Spirit to look out for what is really in my best long term interest... I'll tell ya's the story next week how things play out.

The Daily Horoscope for Aries...

The daily horoscope for Aries has an energy that suggests you play it very smart and not to put yourself at any un-necessary risks or chances at this time... This energy is the kind that favors re-connecting with friends and family... The things that really matter most... It increases your powers of perception, making this an excellent time to lay out future plans while remaining flexible and open to new possibilities.

...Show some Love...

Yesterday's Horoscope       Tomorrow's Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope for Aries

Daily Horoscopes:
aries | taurus | gemini | cancer | leo | virgo
libra | scorpio | sagittarius | capricorn | aquarius | pisces
Weekly Horoscopes:
aries | taurus | gemini | cancer | leo | virgo
libra | scorpio | sagittarius | capricorn | aquarius | pisces

Your Daily Tao

Everyone in the world calls my Tao great
As if it is beyond compare
It is only because of its greatness
That it seems beyond compare
If it can be compared
It would already be insignificant long ago!

I have three treasures
I hold on to them and protect them
The first is called compassion
The second is called conservation
The third is called not daring to be ahead in the world
Compassionate, thus able to have courage
Conserving, thus able to reach widely
Not daring to be ahead in the world
Thus able to assume leadership
Now if one has courage but discards compassion
Reaches widely but discards conservation
Goes ahead but discards being behind
Then death!
If one fights with compassion, then victory
With defense, then security
Heaven shall save them
And with compassion guard them