Daily Horoscope for Aries

(MARCH 21 - APRIL 19)

Horoscope Cast for Sunday, August 21st, 2022

by Ajanel

Daily Horoscope for Aries Summary

Mars will move into Gemini on August 20, 2022, at 4:03 a.m. EST so we will see an obvious transition from slow-moving Taurus. When Mars was in Taurus, it was like it was in battery-saving, low-power mode. Now that Mars has entered Gemini, we can expect him to pick up a lot more speed and energy.

Mars is fire and action and what drives us and propels us forward. Our collective will and energy, pointing to how we defend ourselves and how we fight. With Gemini being a Mercury-ruled sign, pay attention to what is being said in public, as in the media. On a personal level, the messages we send to each other can be more passionate and direct. Mars in Gemini 2022 can help us develop our hobbies, and interests, try new things or experiment with new technologies.

Mars in a Mercury-ruled sign can have us on our toes. Mercury can be a bit of a trickster, so it would be best to prepare for either charm or cunning in communication. Just look atwhat happened during the last Mercury retrograde, a time infamous for miscommunication! We could get more of that. While that can show up as precise and eloquent speech, possibly even steamy texts or bedroom talk, that clever use of words can also create anxious and monotonous thoughts and even deceitful uses of language to trick or manipulate someone. Be on guard for that.

While Mars typically spends about 45 days in a zodiac sign, this transit will be an unusually long stay for Mars as there is a Mars retrograde, that begins on October 30, 2022, and lasts until January 12, 2023. Mars will not enter the next sign of Cancer until March 25, 2023. A long collective lesson we will have in our Gemini house and the clues about what your Mars retrograde story will be, start now. Pay close attention to any conversations you have, events that take place, people you meet, or messages you receive as they will very likely re-appear and be even more important once fall comes.

Questions or comments ajanel@ajanel.net

The Weekly Horoscope for Aries

Be especially thoughtful about anything you say out loud or put in writing. Your messages will carry extra weight over the next several months. This is not the time to pick fights with your neighbors or siblings, as even seemingly small disagreements could turn into something bigger. Slow down and think before you speak. Start a daily journaling practice or write a book as you will have more time, energy, and desire to do so.

Yesterday's Horoscope       Tomorrow's Horoscope

daily horoscopes:

( Red = Fire ) * ( Green = Earth ) * ( Purple=Air ) * ( Blue = Water )
Aries  Taurus  Gemini  Cancer  Leo  Virgo 

Libra  Scorpio  Sagittarius  Capricorn  Aquarius  Pisces 

weekly horoscopes:

  ( Red = Cardinal ) ( Green = Fixed ) ( Blue = Mutable )
  Aries  Taurus  Gemini  Cancer  Leo  Virgo 

Libra  Scorpio  Sagittarius  Capricorn  Aquarius  Pisces 

Today's Astrology Quote of the Day:
The stars above govern our condition...
He follows that with... I was born sir, when the Crab was ascending: all my affairs go backwards.
~ Shakespeare in King Lear

Daily Tao

Everyone in the world calls my Tao great
As if it is beyond compare
It is only because of its greatness
That it seems beyond compare
If it can be compared
It would already be insignificant long ago!

I have three treasures
I hold on to them and protect them
The first is called compassion
The second is called conservation
The third is called not daring to be ahead in the world
Compassionate, thus able to have courage
Conserving, thus able to reach widely
Not daring to be ahead in the world
Thus able to assume leadership
Now if one has courage but discards compassion
Reaches widely but discards conservation
Goes ahead but discards being behind
Then death!
If one fights with compassion, then victory
With defense, then security
Heaven shall save them
And with compassion guard them

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Once upon a time I had a real job working for the first Internet Company in Buffalo, New York... All the guys in the office would ask "Hey Daniel, What's in my Stars?... I'd repeat the same thing over and over again every day... So I made a web-page and called it "Hey Baby, What's your sign?"...

It became very popular... So I bought the WeeklyHoroscope.com name in 1997 and have been writing ever since for both the internet and the newspapers... But eventially I stopped writing for the newspapers because they limited me to only so many characters/spaces and I tend to ramble from time to time... hehe...

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