Daily Horoscope for Aries
(MARCH 21 - APRIL 19)Horoscope Cast for Tuesday, January 21st, 2025
by daniel "bud" dowd
Daily Horoscope for Aries Summary
The current energy is big in the sense of imagining what you want so that you can pursue it. We'll have a better sense of the effort that will need to go into achieving goals as well, so it's easier to put together to-do lists that will be productive and get us moving in the right direction. This is an important nudge with the longer-term energy causing us to frequently stop and question what we're doing. Today's energy is a bit of clarity there and what we come up with today can carry the torch for the days ahead.
There's also going to be a stronger urge right now to make changes, often in overall direction. The sense of urgency that goes along with this can die down a little though - it'll stem more out of desire than out of some sense of necessity. That can relieve a bit of the pressure we'll feel when making decisions - many of the choices we make won't have a huge sense of gravity to them that they might have a short time ago. It doesn't guarantee we'll make the best choices, but it does remove some of the stresses that would've pushed us in bad directions. Overall, it's a pretty good chart - there are some difficult spots to keep us on our toes, but enough out there to smooth the ride so we're willing to take on those challenges. Best of luck.
The Daily Horoscope for Aries
The harder things seem, the more you'll be willing to embrace the challenge that goes along with it today. You might shy away from conversations more than you usually would, but can do that with the intention of maintaining your focus and doing the things you need to do. Some of the things you hear can end up being discouraging too, so reducing contact with others while doing things individually will keep your spirits up. You're also less likely to accept your current position in different situations because you'll more easily envision yourself in a much better state as long as you do what you're supposed to.
Yesterday's Horoscope Tomorrow's Horoscope
daily horoscopes:
( Red = Fire ) * ( Green = Earth ) * ( Purple=Air ) * ( Blue = Water )Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
weekly horoscopes:
( Red = Cardinal ) ( Green = Fixed ) ( Blue = Mutable )Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Astrology had an important role in the ancient world...
You can't understand many things unless you know something about astrology - the plays of Shakespeare and so on...
~ Steven Pinker
Daily Tao
That which is well established cannot be uprootedThat which is strongly held cannot be taken
The descendants will commemorate it forever
Cultivate it in yourself; its virtue shall be true
Cultivate it in the family; its virtue shall be abundant
Cultivate it in the community; its virtue shall be lasting
Cultivate it in the country; its virtue shall be prosperous
Cultivate it in the world; its virtue shall be widespread
Therefore observe others with yourself
Observe other families with your family
Observe other communities with your community
Observe other countries with your country
Observe the world with the world
With what do I know the world?
With this
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