Daily Horoscope for Cancer

Horoscope Cast for Wednesday, May 1st, 2024

by daniel "whelland" dowd

Daily Horoscope for Cancer Summary

Today We Start our Lives Anew..!!

We have a chart today that has that "Places to go... People to see... Things to do"... kind of vibe attached to it... It can be hectic at times, and it can be a whole lot of fun too... There is that element of 'playful wackiness' that goes along with this too... It tends to be very social too and that works well as long as the vibe remains "light and bright"... Not the time to try to solve the world's problems as it is focused more on the 'here and now' and the 'immediate moment'.

What we do need to be careful about is making sudden impulsive decisions... (don't be that guy)... Mars and Neptune together tends to see things in a utopian kinda way and while the 'ideas' may sound good, they can fail miserably in reality... So we have to remain grounded... Then Mercury is teamed up with the North Node and that can bring us that 'cold wake-up splash of reality' too... Like wakin' up from a long moment of 'duhhhhhh... I get it now'... hehe... (c'mon, you know what I'm talkin' bout as it happens to all of us from time to time)... hehe...

So the vibe is very social and can be a whole lot of fun... But we have to make it explicitly clear when we are goofin' or others can/will take things the wrong way.

Best of all though... with the Sun quickly approaching Uranus and Jupiter... This can be one of those times when 'lighting strikes' and can bring us unexpected magic and miracles... Jupiter brings good fortune, wisdom and amazing insights... While Uranus makes that happen in the most unusual or unexpected kind of ways... So today's chart has a lot goin' on and it'll work best for us when we take things slow, steady and most of all to 'remain in the moment' because that is the only place that the magic and miracles can happen to us.

That's it for now...
Thanks for stoppin' by..!!
I'll talk to you guys later...

Keep the Faith...
Better Days and Higher Love are comin' soon...

daniel "whelland" dowd

The Daily Horoscope for Cancer

The Daily Horoscope for Cancer has the kind of chart that challenges you to see things from a mental perspective and without the usual 'emotions' attached to them... ("Just the facts Ma'am" as Joe Friday would say)... hehe... That doesn't mean to ignore your own feelings, but when others are counting on you to make the right choices you may have to move your own personal views and opinions to the background for a while... With all the planets elevated in your chart it's easy become 'comfortably numb' due to mental overload... It is also a great time to release any negativity from losses too... It's a fresh new start!!

Yesterday's Horoscope       Tomorrow's Horoscope

daily horoscopes:

( Red = Fire ) * ( Green = Earth ) * ( Purple=Air ) * ( Blue = Water )
Aries  Taurus  Gemini  Cancer  Leo  Virgo 

Libra  Scorpio  Sagittarius  Capricorn  Aquarius  Pisces 

weekly horoscopes:

  ( Red = Cardinal ) ( Green = Fixed ) ( Blue = Mutable )
  Aries  Taurus  Gemini  Cancer  Leo  Virgo 

Libra  Scorpio  Sagittarius  Capricorn  Aquarius  Pisces 

Today's Astrology Quote of the Day:
The stars have a strong effect on our daily shopping lives...
Hollywood is astrology’s only credible conspiracy...
~ Bauvard,

Daily Tao

The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao
The name that can be named is not the eternal name
The nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth
The named is the mother of myriad things
Thus, constantly without desire, one observes its essence
Constantly with desire, one observes its manifestations
These two emerge together but differ in name
The unity is said to be the mystery
Mystery of mysteries, the door to all wonders
