Daily Horoscope for Capricorn
Horoscope Cast for Wednesday, January 4th, 2023
by daniel "whelland" dowd
Daily Horoscope for Capricorn Summary
Today We Start our Lives Anew..!!
Today we have the Moon connecting to Mercury (℞)... This indicates that others are goin' to 'speak from the heart' from that current moment... But those feelings/emotions can change in a 'blink of an eye' too... So you would be slow to make plans or decisions based on what someone may say... Often it is when people 'think out-loud' and won't even remember what has been said... (and later deny it)... hehe... So in classic Mercury Retrograde fashion, if it is important get any agreements in writing.
The Sun is also connecting to Chiron right now and that has a way of bringing personal 'healing' too... (both physical and mental)... It can be when we are asked to 'rise above' our own concerns when the needs of another is stronger.
The Sun-Chiron connection is also when others tend to look to us for leadership, wisdom... Sorta-kinda like a coach that can: Show 'em... Tell 'em... Show 'em what they told 'em and then leave it up to the individual to take on the challenge themselves... Very much like an athletic coach does... (chiron energy is quite athletic)... It's also great for fixing things too.
Lastly, the big thing today is the knowing that if you make a statement, then you better have the facts, figures or sources to back you up... Patterns like this have a way of bringing challenges... It's that classic goof of that 'everything on the internet or media is true'... hehe... Guys like Elon Musk has been havin' a field day with this energy and there'll be more of it to to come too.
Anyway...That's it for now...
Thanks for stoppin' by..!!
I'll talk to you guys later...
Keep the Faith... Better Days and Higher Love are comin' soon...
daniel "whelland" dowd
The Daily Horoscope for Capricorn
The Daily Horoscope for Capricorn appears to have everything goin' for it right now so this is a good time to challenge yourself to take on the difficult tasks or projects while your chances of success are so high... It can be a great time for any social activities as long as the vibe remains 'light and bright'... It's a no-brainer that patterns like this are great for social and romance too!!
Yesterday's Horoscope Tomorrow's Horoscope
daily horoscopes:
( Red = Fire ) * ( Green = Earth ) * ( Purple=Air ) * ( Blue = Water )Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
weekly horoscopes:
( Red = Cardinal ) ( Green = Fixed ) ( Blue = Mutable )Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Astrology is assured recognition from psychology without further restrictions, because astrology represents the summation of all the knowledge of antiquity...
The fact that it is possible to construct, in adequate fashion, a person’s character from the data of his nativity, shows the validity of astrology...
~ Dr. Carl Jung
Daily Tao
Sparse speech is naturalThus strong wind does not last all morning
Sudden rain does not last all day
What makes this so? Heaven and Earth
Even Heaven and Earth cannot make it last
How can humans?
Thus those who follow the Tao are with the Tao
Those who follow virtue are with virtue
Those who follow loss are with loss
Those who are with the Tao, the Tao is also pleased to have them
Those who are with virtue, virtue is also pleased to have them
Those who are with loss, loss is also please to have them
Those who do not trust sufficiently, others have no trust in them