Daily Horoscope for Leo
Horoscope Cast for Tuesday, December 24th, 2019
by daniel "bud" dowd
Daily Horoscope for Leo Summary
Happy Christmas!
At least in theory it should be happy. What we really have is a lot of people in flux right now, and while the holidays should be a time to lay back and enjoy some free time with those closest to us, there's a lot of responsibilities to uphold and things to get done, which might not be the best thing for anyone really wondering about where they're heading in life (a common theme with this transit).
The real important thing to think about right now is whether you're placing too much importance on getting things sorted right away. The energy has this way of making us agitated, and while there are elements to the situations we're involved in that could go one way or another, we're going to be uncomfortable. This is where some people might try to "harvest crops before they're fully grown".
Patience becomes something of a must at a time like this, though you don't want to hang completely in the background and take your hands off the wheel either. You want to gently steer in the direction of your goals, but don't fight too hard if situations change and you have to alter your direction. A lot of things still need to play out, so don't base all of your assumptions and decisions solely on what you see today, and don't force things before they're ready. The holidays are a good excuse to put things on hold a bit while you consider what you're really working with. Best of luck.
The Daily Horoscope for Leo
There's a hustle and bustle about this energy, but you might take that to a more extreme level than the people around you. You're going to have this ability to churn through responsibilities, but it might be harder to actually break away from that when it's time to unwind. It's like being the grandma who's still cooking while everyone is halfway through eating the meal. So knowing when to give it a rest and kick your feet up will help you greatly at making sure you also enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Yesterday's Horoscope Tomorrow's Horoscope
daily horoscopes:
( Red = Fire ) * ( Green = Earth ) * ( Purple=Air ) * ( Blue = Water )Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
weekly horoscopes:
( Red = Cardinal ) ( Green = Fixed ) ( Blue = Mutable )Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
The starry vault of heaven is in truth the open book of cosmic projection.....
~ Carl Jung
Daily Tao
The softest things of the worldOverride the hardest things of the world
That which has no substance
Enters into that which has no openings
From this I know the benefits of unattached actions
The teaching without words
The benefits of actions without attachment
Are rarely matched in the world