Daily Horoscope for Leo

Horoscope Cast for Sunday, July 3rd, 2022

by Ajanel

Daily Horoscope for Leo Summary

Quantum physics is one of my favorite subjects! If you would like to go down this rabbit hole and see how I link it to astrology, come on! If not, skip the summary and just read your horoscope for the weekend.

Have you heard of the Large Hadron Collider, also known as CERN? I know you have. The collider magnets it contains squeeze tiny particles causing them to crash together, which scientists then observe. Back in 2011 it helped scientists prove the existence of a subatomic particle called the Higgs-Boson, a fundamental building block of the universe dating back to the Big Bang billions of years ago. They shut the machine down in 2018 to make enhancements and restarted it in April of this year. On July 5 a new experiment will begin to investigate dark matter. Dark matter is a hypothetical invisible mass thought to be responsible for adding gravity to galaxies and other things. Since the amount of visible material in galaxies cannot account for their shapes and movements, there must be something yet to be discovered. It would not affect normal matter in any other way - such as by absorbing or emitting photons - making it completely dark. If they find that dark matter exists, it may revolutionize our current theory of how the universe works. Here is why this is important. There are many reports about how this Large Hadron Collider opens up portals to other dimensions or timelines. You can look them up and decide for yourself which, if any, you think may be true. Just like everything else on earth, the CERN has an astrology chart. On July 5th, what stood out for me in the transit chart of this machine is that Uranus, in Taurus, is in the 8th house of this chart.

When Uranus transits the 8th house, it can signify a period of instability and volatility in society at large. Uranus causes a need to prepare for potential emergencies and catastrophic situations. It can also increase paranoia and irrational and unfounded fears. Or it could signify a fascination and curiosity for taboo subject matter such as paranormal and mystical studies. This transit can pique an interest in dark psychology and theories about the subconscious mind and the underworld.

Will the Large Hadron Collider open a portal? Could it cause the long-predicted downfall of the power grid? Will it lead more people to believe that there is more to the universe than we can see or logically explain? Time will tell!

Questions or comments ajanel@ajanel.net.

The Daily Horoscope for Leo

You are incredibly ambitious at this time. You are willing to put in the hard work to succeed. You may have problems if you are micromanaged however, as you need a certain amount of autonomy. In fact, you may find yourself rebelling against any type of authority. Try to pick your battles, and work alone when you can.

Yesterday's Horoscope       Tomorrow's Horoscope

daily horoscopes:

( Red = Fire ) * ( Green = Earth ) * ( Purple=Air ) * ( Blue = Water )
Aries  Taurus  Gemini  Cancer  Leo  Virgo 

Libra  Scorpio  Sagittarius  Capricorn  Aquarius  Pisces 

weekly horoscopes:

  ( Red = Cardinal ) ( Green = Fixed ) ( Blue = Mutable )
  Aries  Taurus  Gemini  Cancer  Leo  Virgo 

Libra  Scorpio  Sagittarius  Capricorn  Aquarius  Pisces 

Today's Astrology Quote of the Day:
There is no better boat than a horoscope to help a man cross over the sea of life...
~ Varaha Mihira

Daily Tao

Coming into life, entering death
The followers of life, three in ten
The followers of death, three in ten
Those whose lives are moved toward death
Also three in ten
Why? Because they live lives of excess

I've heard of those who are good at cultivating life
Traveling on the road, they do not encounter rhinos or tigers
Entering into an army, they are not harmed by weapons
Rhinos have nowhere to thrust their horns
Tigers have nowhere to clasp their claws
Soldiers have nowhere to lodge their blades
Why? Because they have no place for death
