Daily Horoscope for Libra ♎

Horoscope Cast for: Wednesday, February 5th, 2020

by daniel 'whelland' dowd

Today's Horoscope Summary...

Mercury Racing Ahead of the Sun...
Yesterday (Monday) here in the USA was the Democrat Caucus in Iowa... Instead of there being a 'Winner' declared, people woke up to the news that the 'Voting App' failed and there were 'inconsistencies' in the voting results.

I'm not talkin' about the politics of this... This is a perfect example of the kind of 'communication screw-ups' that go along when Mercury races ahead of the Sun... What should be clear and precise data can quickly be skewed and scattered... This side says this, that side says that... (blah blah blah)... hehe... You know the drill.

How many times in our lives have we experienced this same energy in our own personal lives?... The mis-communications over issues or items that should be clear-cut... Where we may swear that we said one thing, but another swears we said something else... Hell, in this current example, even when the voters wrote it down on paper and/or used electronic 'Apps' the data still managed to get corrupted somehow.

This is why I remind you guys so much about this "Mercury racing Ahead of the Sun" astrological placement... You would be wise to be very careful in all your communications (or when traveling) for the next few weeks... I used the song 'Kashmir' as the Song of the Week because it has the 'groove' of what this energy would sound like... I'll include it below should you want to listen to it.

That's it for now... I'll talk to you guys tomorrow...

Keep the Faith... Better Days and Higher Love are comin' soon...

daniel "whelland" dowd

The Daily Horoscope for Libra...

The daily horoscope for Libra has the kind of energy that seems to be asking you 'what next?'... Or where do you really want to go or do?... With so much focus on your solar 6th House, this is when all those fine details will really matter in the weeks/months ahead... It is a day when you really have to think your words and actions through very carefully... A good time for health improvement too.

...Show some Love...

Yesterday's Horoscope       Tomorrow's Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope for Libra

Daily Horoscopes:
aries | taurus | gemini | cancer | leo | virgo
libra | scorpio | sagittarius | capricorn | aquarius | pisces
Weekly Horoscopes:
aries | taurus | gemini | cancer | leo | virgo
libra | scorpio | sagittarius | capricorn | aquarius | pisces

Your Daily Tao

People do not fear death
How can they be threatened with death?
If people are made to constantly fear death
Then those who act unlawfully
I can capture and kill them
Who would dare?
There exists a master executioner that kills
If we substitute for the master executioner to kill
It is like substituting for the great carpenter to cut
Those who substitute for the great carpenter to cut
It is rare that they do not hurt their own hands