Daily Horoscope for Libra ♎

Horoscope Cast for: Wednesday, April 15th, 2020

by daniel 'whelland' dowd

Today's Horoscope Summary...

Today I Start my Life Anew...
Finally, some talk about Re-Opening America... (YAY)...
Re-Opening America can have a far different meaning than what most might think... (just sayin')... It sure is going to be interesting over the next few months... Tons of changes and transformations... That's all I am going to say at this time about that, because I do not want to get too far ahead of myself.

I was goofin' with my friend Jodi yesterday as I was tryin' to 'Splain how difficult it is to write the 'Scopes right now... Even though this is one of the best charts we've had in a hell of a long time... When ya know people are stuck in their homes, our options available are limited.

I told Jodi... I should write a 'Scope that says...
Sit on the couch for a while... Turn on the telly-vision... Perhaps find a movie to watch... Then, there is all kinds of foods ya probably shouldn't eat... (or eat too much of)... A very good time to spend hours watchin' YouTube Viddys about the Master Chefs in Japan who can clean/carve Blue Fin Tuna in incredible ways... Without wasting a bit of it... Later in the day, creativity will be needed in order to create a fine meal, because by this point many of the options we have depended upon have disappeared from the cupboards and the pantry... hehe... There can also be a few real-fine naps thrown in too.

Ok... 'Nuff with the goofin' but you get the idea...

My son Chris works in the ICU at one of the hospitals here and he says it's rough... (never seen him look this tired)... Some of the patients that get the flu it barely bothers, but when some get it, it can be really bad and rough.

I understand how serious it has been, but I also know it could have been a ga-jillion times worse too... So I just want to make it clear I am not goofin' on all the guys that have been workin' non-stop to make sure we don't have to go through what so workers and patients in the hospitals have had to deal with.

That's it for now... I'll talk to you guys tomorrow...

Keep the Faith... Better Days and Higher Love are comin' soon...

daniel "whelland" dowd

The Daily Horoscope for Libra...

The daily horoscope for Libra reminds you to follow the natural energy patterns... It is very much like breathing... It's knowing when it take it all in, as well as being able exhale too... So do as much as you can, with what you have to work with... And, also realizing that pushing yourself too hard or above your limits will drain your energy reserves in a hurry... Got find the groove today!!

...Show some Love...

Yesterday's Horoscope       Tomorrow's Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope for Libra

Daily Horoscopes:
aries | taurus | gemini | cancer | leo | virgo
libra | scorpio | sagittarius | capricorn | aquarius | pisces
Weekly Horoscopes:
aries | taurus | gemini | cancer | leo | virgo
libra | scorpio | sagittarius | capricorn | aquarius | pisces

Your Daily Tao

Attain the ultimate emptiness
Hold on to the truest tranquility
The myriad things are all active
I therefore watch their return

Everything flourishes; each returns to its root
Returning to the root is called tranquility
Tranquility is called returning to one's nature
Returning to one's nature is called constancy
Knowing constancy is called clarity

Not knowing constancy, one recklessly causes trouble
Knowing constancy is acceptance
Acceptance is impartiality
Impartiality is sovereign
Sovereign is Heaven
Heaven is Tao
Tao is eternal
The self is no more, without danger