Daily Horoscope for Libra

Horoscope Cast for Friday, November 19th, 2021

by daniel "whelland" dowd

Daily Horoscope for Libra Summary

Today I Start my Life Anew..!!

So we're just finishing up the 'Big Eclipse' this mornin' and this one can prove to be quite significant and therefore we need to be very aware of the effects that our words and actions may have upon others... Eclipses are there to break-up the 'impasses' we may be experiencing in our lives... To sorta-kinda give us a needed nudge to get us movin' in the right directions.

This particular eclipse has it's 'axis' across the Scorpio/Taurus line, so personal finances will become very important... It kind of hit me late last night on my way home and I had to stop for gas and it was $4.39 a gallon... (faint...thud)... hehe... On the 'Taurus' side of the eclipse, you'll notice that many of those that have tried to be 'patient and understanding' will take on a 'ok, get this fixed' fercrissakes... hehe... On the Scorpio side of it, it gets a lot more 'personal'... Especially if/when some may feel they are being taken advantage of.

This isn't "Instant Karma" though... The effects of these eclipses have a way of 'sliding in' and often are un-noticed at first... It is like taking a ball on a string and spinning over your head... At some point, when you let go we have no idea where it may take us... It is that moment the 'ball' is released that it then continues to fly in the same direction.

That's it for now... I'll talk to you guys later...
Keep the Faith... Better Days and Higher Love are comin' soon...

daniel "whelland" dowd

The Daily Horoscope for Libra

The daily horoscope for Libra has a very promising chart but things will not happen in the way you would normally expect or at the expected times... It has that 'chain reaction' kind where one thing leads to another... This is when amazing bargains and values can be found... Being at the right places at the right times.

Yesterday's Horoscope       Tomorrow's Horoscope

daily horoscopes:

( Red = Fire ) * ( Green = Earth ) * ( Purple=Air ) * ( Blue = Water )
Aries  Taurus  Gemini  Cancer  Leo  Virgo 

Libra  Scorpio  Sagittarius  Capricorn  Aquarius  Pisces 

weekly horoscopes:

  ( Red = Cardinal ) ( Green = Fixed ) ( Blue = Mutable )
  Aries  Taurus  Gemini  Cancer  Leo  Virgo 

Libra  Scorpio  Sagittarius  Capricorn  Aquarius  Pisces 

Today's Astrology Quote of the Day:
Chiron reminds us that only through recognising and accepting our inner wounds can we find true healing...
~ Lisa Tenzin-Dolma

Daily Tao

Those who hold an abundance of virtue
Are similar to newborn infants
Poisonous insects do not sting them
Wild beasts do not claw them
Birds of prey do not attack them
Their bones are weak, tendons are soft
But their grasp is firm
They do not know of sexual union but can manifest arousal
Due to the optimum of essence
They can cry the whole day and yet not be hoarse
Due to the optimum of harmony
Knowing harmony is said to be constancy
Knowing constancy is said to be clarity

Excessive vitality is said to be inauspicious
Mind overusing energy is said to be aggressive
Things become strong and then grow old
This is called contrary to the Tao
That which is contrary to the Tao will soon perish

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