Daily Horoscope for Pisces ♓

(February 19 - March 20)
Horoscope Cast for: Tuesday, July 16th, 2019

by daniel 'bud' dowd

Today's Horoscope Summary...

Today we have the Sun grouped up with Venus and the Node, which can lead us into these moments of gravity. Where we might look at our direction and our wants and discover it's not exactly the path we want to be on. These sorts of things can hit harder, but maybe they need to. I've had a couple different friends experience earthquakes in the last week or two, and they're the types of things that shake you and wake you up. If you're in a daze, it can be a little jarring, but you snap to and immediately take note of where you are. This energy works quite a bit like that.

At times like this, you have to ask yourself if you're answering the call. Are you doing the things you need to in order to position yourself for future successes? Are you making the right decisions? Are you getting involved in the things you need to be getting involved in? People like to say "right place, right time", but if you're not in the right place, or it's the wrong time, then things can go awry.

Ultimately, with five planets retro, it's likely to seem as though things are moving backwards instead of forwards. But as you step backwards, further from the goal, it lets you get a broader perspective. Maybe you see a path that wasn't there before. Maybe you see where you made a mistake the first time around. These aren't the most pleasant transits to deal with, but they offer the potential for growth and to learn from mistakes. This is a chance for corrective actions and to reestablish the path you want to set out upon. Embrace these opportunities when they come. It might not be easy, but there will be plenty to learn along the way. Best of luck.


The Daily Horoscope for Pisces...

You can treat personal relationships with more importance (especially romantic ones), but wherever there's a relationship, there's someone else with their own thoughts, opinions and perspectives to keep in mind. If there are problems in these areas, you might need to look and make sure you're doing enough to further your own long term goals. If your mind is too rooted in the present, you might get stuck in the mud when things move forward. You don't have to be motoring along towards a new dream at all moments of the day, but you do need to at least have an idea of where you want to go.

...Show some Love...

Yesterday's Horoscope       Tomorrow's Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope for Pisces

Daily Horoscopes:
aries | taurus | gemini | cancer | leo | virgo
libra | scorpio | sagittarius | capricorn | aquarius | pisces
Weekly Horoscopes:
aries | taurus | gemini | cancer | leo | virgo
libra | scorpio | sagittarius | capricorn | aquarius | pisces

Your Daily Tao

Ruling a large country is like cooking a small fish
Using the Tao to manage the world
Its demons have no power
Not only do its demons have no power
Its gods do not harm people

Not only do its gods not harm people
The sages also do not harm people
They both do no harm to one another
So virtue merges and returns