Daily Horoscope for Pisces

Horoscope Cast for Wednesday, August 28th, 2024

by daniel "whelland" dowd

Daily Horoscope for Pisces Summary

Today We Start our Lives Anew..!!

We have a very socially active kind of vibe today Moon-Doggies... The kind that can be a whole lot of fun even though there tends to be personal 'disconnects' that will occur... So it's best to keep the vibe 'Light and Bright' and to avoid heavy or deep conversations... But when dealing with important conversations where choices and decisions are a factor and have to be made... It's when we must make sure we have all the facts and to make sure we are not making any assumptions... Even if we need to be a 'pain in the ass'... That way there'll be no... "But I thought ______ would happen"... hehe... ('C'mon, we all know what that feels like')... hehe...

The chart itself is very practical and the way-cool part is that it has a way of wakin' people up to where they start askin' questions when things are not makin' a lot of sense... We'll hear others sayin' things like "How come ______?"... (blah blah blah)... And it is that kind of vibe that leads to elevations in personal 'enlightenment' too... But the biggest thing to remember is that there is and are very definite reasons for everything that is said and done right now... Even if we do not understand why certain things need to happen in certain orders... (it's a Mercury retro thing)... hehe...

So today's chart works best when we have a plan to follow in order to keep ourselves on track... And even if our plan is lousy, it's still going to be a ga-jillion times better than the rest of the populations that are just 'winging it'... hehe... (sometimes we have to though, and sometimes that can be a whole lot of fun too)...

So Mercury is slipping back behind the Sun and is startin' to putting all the pieces back together... So it's a good time to re-organize our actions and efforts... Most of all though... We need to remember instead of trying to find the magic, it's easier and a lot more fun to allow it to find it's way to us instead.

That's it for now...
Thanks for stoppin' by..!!
I'll talk to you guys later...

Keep the Faith...
Better Days and Higher Love are comin' soon...

daniel "whelland" dowd

The Daily Horoscope for Pisces

The Daily Horoscope for Pisces has that element of extreme creativity and powers of expression too... As great as that may be, you must also keep in mind that most of those you encounter will be lost in a world of their own right now... (just sayin')... So the idea is to write ideas down and to begin your projects without drawing too much attention to yourself... To separate what is possible to what may be unable to accomplish at this time... It has a very long-term perspective so refuse to be rushed or hurried!!

Yesterday's Horoscope       Tomorrow's Horoscope

daily horoscopes:

( Red = Fire ) * ( Green = Earth ) * ( Purple=Air ) * ( Blue = Water )
Aries  Taurus  Gemini  Cancer  Leo  Virgo 

Libra  Scorpio  Sagittarius  Capricorn  Aquarius  Pisces 

weekly horoscopes:

  ( Red = Cardinal ) ( Green = Fixed ) ( Blue = Mutable )
  Aries  Taurus  Gemini  Cancer  Leo  Virgo 

Libra  Scorpio  Sagittarius  Capricorn  Aquarius  Pisces 

Today's Astrology Quote of the Day:
I was born during an eclipse...
I believe very much in astrology...
If you were born on an eclipse it indicates your destiny is chaotic...
~ Gloria Vanderbilt

Daily Tao

A strong military, a tool of misfortune
All things detest it
Therefore, those who possess the Tao avoid it
Honorable gentlemen, while at home, value the left
When deploying the military, value the right

The military is a tool of misfortune
Not the tool of honorable gentlemen
When using it out of necessity
Calm detachment should be above all
Victorious but without glory
Those who glorify
Are delighting in the killing
Those who delight in killing
Cannot achieve their ambitions upon the world

Auspicious events favor the left
Inauspicious events favor the right
The lieutenant general is positioned to the left
The major general is positioned to the right
We say that they are treated as if in a funeral
Those who have been killed
Should be mourned with sadness
Victory in war should be treated as a funeral

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