Daily Horoscope for Sagittarius
Horoscope Cast for Tuesday, March 17th, 2020
by daniel "bud" dowd
Daily Horoscope for Sagittarius Summary
We are in an uncertain time right now, as people wonder what to do in the face of coronavirus outbreak. Through crisis, we build community. However, right now we need to be building community virtually. Take a moment to look beyond your own individual, localized surroundings to see the bigger picture. Many will downplay things. Many will form judgments based upon what they see in the immediate present. Many will assume things are going better than they are.
I'm not here today to shill fear - coronavirus isn't going to kill most of the people who get it. But looking beyond that:
This will at some time in the future pass us by. We will eventually emerge from this, hardened, more intelligent collectively, better equipped to formulate a response. But realize the greater imperative of the present; this is occurring everywhere. In China. In Italy. In Argentina, Ireland, and France. Everywhere. We are a global community. So today, I ask merely that you do your part, and shut it down for a bit. Work from home if you're able. Skype your loved ones. Write emails. Watch some Netflix, or read some books. Be bored. Express creativity as a way to combat the boredom. But reduce your interaction outside to essential needs. Press authorities to mandate this when you are able. Do so electively when you have that capacity yourself. Be part of the solution, not the problem. If you are among those who must be out there - our first responders, our medical professionals, I commend you and pray for your continued health and mental well being. Best of luck.
The Daily Horoscope for Sagittarius
Bud's normal scope returns next week. Shut it down. We'll talk about this for years to come; embrace the novelty of the situation, but do your part to keep everyone safe.
Yesterday's Horoscope Tomorrow's Horoscope
daily horoscopes:
( Red = Fire ) * ( Green = Earth ) * ( Purple=Air ) * ( Blue = Water )Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
weekly horoscopes:
( Red = Cardinal ) ( Green = Fixed ) ( Blue = Mutable )Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Astrological prayers seem to me to be built on as good reason as the predictions...
~ Benjamin Stillingfleet
Daily Tao
Heaviness is the root of lightnessQuietness is the master of restlessness
Therefore the sages travel an entire day
Without leaving the heavy supplies
Even though there are luxurious sights
They are composed and transcend beyond
How can the lords of ten thousand chariots
Apply themselves lightly to the world?
To be light is to lose one's root
To be restless is to lose one's mastery