Daily Horoscope for Virgo

Horoscope Cast for Friday, June 18th, 2021

by daniel "whelland" dowd

Daily Horoscope for Virgo Summary

Fri-Day.. (((HOORAY)))
Today's chart we are moving into a very socially active time right now... The overall vibe will tend to be 'light and bright'... But (pointing to my butt)... There is a lot of care and consideration needed because with Mercury retrograde it is very easy for others to 'see and hear' what they want to 'see and hear'... However, just by knowing that we can spare ourselves all kinds of aggravations by goin' the extra mile to ensure our words and actions are interpreted as we intended so there may be no mistake.

Getting past the retrogrades, this is a very optimistic chart... Not so much by what we are seeing or experiencing... We are not seeing the 'solutions' but are being made aware of the real issues that need our attention... The purpose is to cause us to question the real intentions and motivations... Not so much in other individuals, but more in the 'systems' we live by.

Work with me on this...
The outer planets deal more with 'the world condition'... With Pluto, Saturn and now Jupiter goes retrograde on Sunday... This energy is there to bring about 'awakenings' (Saturn and Jupiter)... And to right what has been wrong (PLuto)... The purpose of all this is so we are focused on the SOLUTIONS instead of the SYMPTOMS.

I don't want to get too far ahead of myself... But there is a lot of optimism in this chart... There is also that factor that an 'awakening' is taking place that requires us to keep an open mind and to be able to accept new facts as they are revealed... (jupiter, saturn and pluto)... Neptune goes retrograde on Friday... That is to clear up any mis-conceptions we may have been lead to believe.

Hope you can 'track' with me on this...
This is extremely complicated chart energy we are dealing with... So the key is to be open to new truths as they are revealed... (that is the general theme of this chart)... It is sorta-kinda like watchin' a movie where you think you know what is gonna happen, but then all kinds of twists and turns take place... So pop some corn and sit back and watch the show... This one will be awesome!!

That's it for now... I'll talk to you guys tomorrow...

Keep the Faith... Better Days and Higher Love are comin' soon...

daniel "whelland" dowd

The Daily Horoscope for Virgo

The daily horoscope for Virgo has you in what will be the start of a very beneficial new cycle... (especially for finances)... This is when others start to realize all that you do and how much you are needed... This doesn't happen all at once though, as it has that 'one thing leads to another' kind of chain reaction quality... What does matter most is that your standards remain strong!

Yesterday's Horoscope       Tomorrow's Horoscope

daily horoscopes:

( Red = Fire ) * ( Green = Earth ) * ( Purple=Air ) * ( Blue = Water )
Aries  Taurus  Gemini  Cancer  Leo  Virgo 

Libra  Scorpio  Sagittarius  Capricorn  Aquarius  Pisces 

weekly horoscopes:

  ( Red = Cardinal ) ( Green = Fixed ) ( Blue = Mutable )
  Aries  Taurus  Gemini  Cancer  Leo  Virgo 

Libra  Scorpio  Sagittarius  Capricorn  Aquarius  Pisces 

Today's Astrology Quote of the Day:
Perhaps there is a pattern set up in the heavens for one who desires to see it, and having seen it, to find one in himself...
~ Plato

Daily Tao

Those that attained oneness since ancient times:
The sky attained oneness and thus clarity
The earth attained oneness and thus tranquility
The gods attained oneness and thus divinity
The valley attained oneness and thus abundance
The myriad things attained oneness and thus life
The rulers attained oneness and became the standard for the world
These all emerged from oneness

The sky, lacking clarity, would break apart
The earth, lacking tranquility, would erupt
The gods, lacking divinity, would vanish
The valley, lacking abundance, would wither
Myriad things, lacking life, would be extinct
The rulers, lacking standard, would be toppled

Therefore, the honored uses the lowly as basis
The higher uses the lower as foundation
Thus the rulers call themselves alone, bereft, and unworthy
Is this not using the lowly as basis? Is it not so?
Therefore, the ultimate honor is no honor

Do not wish to be shiny like jade
Be dull like rocks
