Weekly Horoscope for Aries

(MARCH 21 - APRIL 19)

by daniel "whelland" dowd

Horoscopes cast for Monday, March 20th, 2023

Song of the Week

Once Written in the Stars
A pathway set in stone
A candle in the night
To guide your way back home
Then somewhere in your memory
Calling from afar

It's daring you to see
What it is that's Written in the Stars...

Once Written in the Stars
A pathway set in stone
A Candle in the Night
To guide your way back home
Then somewhere in your memory
Calling from afar

It's daring you to see
What it is that's Written in the Stars...

You said that you would stay
And that you'd never leave
I gave you all I had
When I chose to believe
Love like magic
Casts a spell
Sometimes leaving scars

I guess it's just as well
Not to know what's Written in the Stars...

Still Written in the Stars
And Written in your Eyes

The Prophecy Fulfills
The Dream that never Dies
A Shooting Star Lights up the Night
While the Earth Stands Still

And somehow we lose sight
While following what's Written in the Stars...

I want to know what's Written in the Stars...
Please tell me what is Written in the Stars...

((( Blackmore's Night - Written in the Stars )))

The Weekly Horoscope Summary for Aries...

Today I Start my Life Anew..!!

This week's chart has that classic "takin' care of business" kind of vibe... It isn't glorious but more of a practical and methodical focus... The key to charts like this is to have a solid plan before taking actions... Knowing what you are going to do and what you can/will accomplish beforehand... I know that sounds like a 'duhhh everybody knows that'... But then again, we all tend to forget that at times.

Sun, Mercury and Neptune...
These planets connected on the Solar Ascendant (cusp of Aries) signals a time of new beginnings... What may have seemed impossible before may now easily fall into place... There is a danger of 'deception' though... Where it can be a matter of 'omission' where important facts are deliberately left out... (just sayin')... So with the Aries energy being so strong right now... It is super important to take your 'sweet ass time' and refuse to be rushed or hurried into takin' action... Time is on our side right now!!

If/When you look towards the North Star early in the morning you'll see Venus and Jupiter connected too... That is a damn good signal that 'all is and will be well in the future' even though there will be a few bumps in the road (adjustments) we will have to deal with... It is when what may appear negative at first may actually be a 'method' to reveal Jupiter's truths... Especially in what can be with the Venus financial matters... It will be interesting in how this one plays out.

Watch your Thoughts; They become Words.
Watch your Words; They become Actions.
Watch your Actions; They become Habits.
Watch your Habits; They become Character.
Watch your Character; It becomes your Destiny.

This week's chart is all about lookin' forward... It signals we are movin' into a time when we have to determine if the current path is leading us towards the destination we desire... The problem that goes along with this is that it requires a solid attention to the 'details'... Sorta kinda like it is easy to say "I want to be happy"... But the chart then asks "what do you mean by 'happy'?"... Trackin' with me on this?... If you 'want' to be happy then you'll always 'want' to be happy... The Jupiter side of this reminds us 'It is not what we have, but it is about what we appreciate'... As always, remember that the Song of the Week is always picked to match the chart energy!!

That's it for now...
Thanks for stoppin' by..!!
I'll talk to you guys later...
Keep the Faith... Better Days and Higher Love are comin' soon...

daniel "whelland" dowd

The Weekly Horoscope for Aries...

The Weekly Horoscope for Aries has an awesome energy this week... Especially with the Sun entering your sign on Monday... ((( CHEER )))... What's even better is that all the planets are in very beneficial areas of the chart... While that doesn't give you a 'free-ride' it is the kind of pattern where things will have a way of workin' out in your favor... Even the things that may appear to be 'dicey'... It is NOT the time to compromise on your high standards!!

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weekly horoscopes:

aries | taurus | gemini | cancer | leo | virgo
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