Weekly Horoscope for Aries

(MARCH 21 - APRIL 19)

Song of the Week

Horoscope Cast for Monday, May 5th, 2025


Weekly Horoscope for Aries Summary

Last Week's Horoscope       Next Week's Horoscope

daily horoscopes:

( Red = Fire ) * ( Green = Earth ) * ( Purple=Air ) * ( Blue = Water )

weekly horoscopes:

( Red = Cardinal ) ( Green = Fixed ) ( Blue = Mutable )

Today's Astrology Quote of the Day:
Astrology had an important role in the ancient world...
You can't understand many things unless you know something about astrology - the plays of Shakespeare and so on...
~ Steven Pinker

Daily Tao

Sparse speech is natural
Thus strong wind does not last all morning
Sudden rain does not last all day
What makes this so? Heaven and Earth
Even Heaven and Earth cannot make it last
How can humans?

Thus those who follow the Tao are with the Tao
Those who follow virtue are with virtue
Those who follow loss are with loss
Those who are with the Tao, the Tao is also pleased to have them
Those who are with virtue, virtue is also pleased to have them
Those who are with loss, loss is also please to have them
Those who do not trust sufficiently, others have no trust in them

Weekly Horoscope is one of the oldest sites online... All it's ever been intended to do is to give people a general idea of what is goin' on in the Big Guy's Big Skies... It's not for profit, as all of us involved have our 'real jobs' too... We do this just because we choose to do so.

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