Weekly Horoscope for Cancer ♋

(June 21 - July 22)
Horoscope Cast for: Monday, August 10th, 2020

by daniel "whelland" dowd

Song of the Week

There is no political solution...
...To our troubled evolution
Have your faith in constitution...
...There is no bloody revolution

We are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world

Our so-called leaders speak...
...With words they try to jail you
They subjugate the meek...
...But it's the rhetoric of failure
We are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world

Where does the answer lie?...
...Living from day to day
If it's something we can't buy...
...There must be another way

We are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world

((( The Police - Spirits in the Material World )))

Today's Horoscope Summary...

Today I Start my Life Anew...
I can tell you that last week was one of the hardest week's I've had in YEARS... Some people have the Midas Touch, where everything they touch turns to gold... Last week I had the 'Feces Touch' where everything I touched turned to sh_t... hehe... Even things I didn't touch caused me trouble.

No, I am not whinin'... hehe...
It amazes me that some people fail to see the power/wisdom in astrology... In my Natal Chart, The Sun and North Node were directly connected to my Natal Uranus on the Cusp of the 9th House... While I knew there would be 'unexpected events' I had no idea how radical some of them would be... I had more electronic devices fail last week than I've had in over 10 years... Things that should never break, did... As the week went on (with a lot of help from my friend Bob) we got it sorted out.

Looking back, I can see how this will actually work to my advantage... Fixing and updating equipment when the planets are actually favoring you... Showing you that if you handle issues while the vibe is 'laid back' is a hell of a lot better than dealing with problems in 'panic mode 12'... hehe...

We have Mars approaching Uranus too right now... The 'aspect' doesn't reach full power until January, but everyday it inches closer and the energy gains intensity... And with the current transits, this energy works in a 'one thing leads to another' and this is the kind of energy that can have MASSIVE effects!.. With a pattern like this there can be earthquakes that can create a lot of damage or create 'chain of event' situations too... Deep inside, everytime I hear something about the 3 Gorge Dam in China, there are alarm bells that go off in my head... (just sayin')... I hope they have everything under control there.

That's it for now... I'll talk to you guys in the Daily 'Scopes...

Keep the Faith... Better Days and Higher Love are comin' soon...

daniel "whelland" dowd

The Weekly Horoscope for Cancer...

The weekly horoscope for Cancer has you in a very high cycle right now... What is really important in a chart like this is knowing and being able to visualize where you want to go and what you want to do... The idea is to start at your goals and work backwards in your mind to where you currently are in order to prevent following dead-end paths... As the week rolls on, the vibe becomes much brighter and can be fantastic for any kind of social gatherings.

...Show some Love...

Last Week's Horoscope       Next Week's Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope for Cancer

Daily Horoscopes:
aries | taurus | gemini | cancer | leo | virgo
libra | scorpio | sagittarius | capricorn | aquarius | pisces
Weekly Horoscopes:
aries | taurus | gemini | cancer | leo | virgo
libra | scorpio | sagittarius | capricorn | aquarius | pisces

Your Daily Tao

Those that attained oneness since ancient times:
The sky attained oneness and thus clarity
The earth attained oneness and thus tranquility
The gods attained oneness and thus divinity
The valley attained oneness and thus abundance
The myriad things attained oneness and thus life
The rulers attained oneness and became the standard for the world
These all emerged from oneness

The sky, lacking clarity, would break apart
The earth, lacking tranquility, would erupt
The gods, lacking divinity, would vanish
The valley, lacking abundance, would wither
Myriad things, lacking life, would be extinct
The rulers, lacking standard, would be toppled

Therefore, the honored uses the lowly as basis
The higher uses the lower as foundation
Thus the rulers call themselves alone, bereft, and unworthy
Is this not using the lowly as basis? Is it not so?
Therefore, the ultimate honor is no honor

Do not wish to be shiny like jade
Be dull like rocks