Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn


Song of the Week

A long time ago our Point of View
Was broadcast by Mr. Bartholomew
And now the world is full of Sorrow and Pain
And it's time for us to Speak up Again

You're slack and sorry
Such an arrogant brood
The only purpose you serve is to bring us our food
We sit here staring at your pomp and pout
Outside the bars we use for keeping you out

You've taken everything that you wanted
Broke it up and plundered it and hunted

Ever since we said it
You went and took the credit
It's been headed this way since the world began
When a 'vicious creature' took the jump from Monkey to Man

Monkey to Man

Every time man struggles and fails
He makes up some kind of fairy tales
After all of the misery that he has caused
He denies he's descended from the dinosaurs

Points up to Heaven with Cathedral Spires
All the time indulging in his base desires

Ever since we said it
You went and took the credit
It's been headed this way since the world began
When a 'vicious creature' took the jump from Monkey to Man

Big and useless as he has become
With his Crying Statues and his Flying Bomb
Goes 'round acting like the Chosen One
Excuse us if we treat him like our idiot cousin

He hangs up flowers and bells and rhymes
Hoping to Hell someone's forgiven his crimes
Fills up the air with his pride and praise
He's a big disgrace to our beastly ways

In the fashionable nightclubs and finer precincts
Man uses words to dress up his vile instincts

Ever since we said it
You went and took the credit
It's been headed this way since the world began
When a vicious creature took the jump from Monkey to Man

Monkey to Man

((( Elvis Costello - Monkey To Man )))

(ps: Check out David Bartholomew's "The Monkey" in Monday's Daily 'Scope')

Horoscope Cast for Monday, July 10th, 2023

by daniel "whelland" dowd

Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn Summary

Today I Start my Life Anew..!!

History has shown us a few things in very clear and uncertain terms... Ever since the dawn of time, our leader's main concern has been all about serving their own best interests... (fact, deal with it)... Following the idea that they are different or somehow 'better' than others... Surely, there have been a rare few leaders who have been different... However many/most of those good leaders somehow 'died suddenly' when their actions actually did serve their people's (us monkeys) best interests.

History has a way of repeating itself... Especially when 'global leaders' continue to do the same things over and over again... (they really are not that smart)... It tends to happen when 'caring for the monkeys' becomes too much of a pain in the ass for them... (it would be funny if it wasn't true)... Even Gilgamesh wrote back in 4000 BC about how EA told Atrahasis (Noah) of the upcoming 'deluge' (flood) when EA's brother Enlil was about to wipe out the earth's population and start over with a "Great Reset" of 'their' creation.

Monkey to Man...
...Man trying to make himself God

Religion was man' creation that was built to control...
Spirituality is the natural state of Love we were created to live in.

This time it's different... The Earth has finished the 6th Day of the 7 Day cycle... Just as it's written in all the creation stories that "A Day Shall Equal a Year"... (Genesis)... It is also written that "A Day shall also Equal 1,000 Years"... (remember, this was written before there were 'religions')... The writers were writing about history... These 'Wise Men' used Astrology to 'Mark Time and Seasons'... We are supposed to be entering the 'Age of Jubilee' (for 1000 years)... Debts forgiven... Peace and abundance... blah blah blah... You know the drill... But... Nahhh... Civilization has become a pain in the ass to the Global Elite... Better to replace us with hybid robots.

You may not like what I am writin'... But deep inside, you know it's true... (just look at all the added chemicals to even the basic foods)... Every piece of electronics are basically 'tracking devices'... If this was a movie, most would walk out because it kinda sucks... (but it does have a terrific ending)... But I don't wanna get too far ahead of myself... hehe...

That's it for now...
Thanks for stoppin' by..!!
I'll talk to you guys later...

Keep the Faith...
Better Days and Higher Love are comin' soon...

daniel "whelland" dowd

The Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn has that take things in a 'slow and cautious' way as you'll find later on that there is a lot more goin' on than meets the eye... Especially in the actions and intentions of others... You will likely feel this too... When elements and/or memories of the past tend to re-appear... This is there to bring closure as a new chapter of your life now begins!!

Last Week's Horoscope       Next Week's Horoscope

daily horoscopes:

( Red = Fire ) * ( Green = Earth ) * ( Purple=Air ) * ( Blue = Water )

weekly horoscopes:

( Red = Cardinal ) ( Green = Fixed ) ( Blue = Mutable )

Today's Astrology Quote of the Day:
All anyone can see in a birthchart are tendencies that will become facts if he does not do something to alter them...
~ Isabel Hickey

Daily Tao

The appearance of great virtue
Follows only the Tao
The Tao, as a thing
Seems indistinct, seems unclear

So unclear, so indistinct
Within it there is image
So indistinct, so unclear
Within it there is substance
So deep, so profound
Within it there is essence

Its essence is supremely real
Within it there is faith
From ancient times to the present
Its name never departs
To observe the source of all things
How do I know the nature of the source?
With this

Weekly Horoscope is one of the oldest sites online... All it's ever been intended to do is to give people a general idea of what is goin' on in the Big Guy's Big Skies... It's not for profit, as all of us involved have our 'real jobs' too... We do this just because we choose to do so.

Privacy is very important to us... We DO NOT COLLECT OR SHARE ANY personal data with ANY outside sources!!

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