Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn


Song of the Week

I was Slippin' into Darkness
When they took my friend away
I was Slippin' into Darkness
When they took, when they took my friend away

He know he loves to drink good whiskey
While Laughing at the Moon

Slippin' into Darkness
Take my mind beyond the dreams
I was Slippin' into Darkness
Take my mind beyond the dreams

Where I talk to my brother
Who never said their name

Slippin' into Darkness
All my trouble so I choose
I was Slippin' into Darkness
All my trouble so I choose

I got a wife and a baby
Now my love hath gained its fame

Slippin' into darkness
When I heard my mother say
I was Slippin' into Darkness
When I heard my mother say
You've been slippin' into darkness

Pretty soon you gonna pay

((( War - Slippin' Into Darkness )))

Horoscope Cast for Monday, January 29th, 2024

by daniel "whelland" dowd

Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn Summary

Today I Start my Life Anew..!!

We have a chart that is extremely practical and focused on our long-term finances and resources... It can be as 'down to earth' as it gets... It's all about looking forward... So it is a very good time to check out the things that we need and rely upon... Do they need to be updated?... Repaired or replaced?... (you know the drill)... Again, with all this 'earth' energy the idea is to be proactive and alert... To avoid making any assumptions that could come back to haunt us later on. There is a tendency for big companies and corporations to make changes to their 'terms of service' too... (that very few read)... So part of our current transits is focused on 'defense'... Takin' care of all those 'what if _____' questions we may have when lookin' to the future.

The good part...
But there is an equal (or more) energy focused on 'advancements' and increases in overall well-being and 'quality of life' too... (( CHEER ))... It can be a tremendous times to find bargains and values... Especially in things related to future needs... Because this chart is so 'one-sided' it's focus is on the more practical areas of life... It's when many companies will begin to 'slash' prices just to keep the cash flow rolling... So it's all about remaining awake and alert... To ask for specifics... (especially when terms have changed)...

While it's a lot easier to see this energy in effect in the financial and material areas of life... These patterns will also apply to our interactions and relationships with others too... A good time to be more of an observer and to hold back from 'jumping to conclusions' or over-reacting when we he hear something that concerns us... The best thing is to ask questions for more info or greater understanding... A lot of the time, those that may say things that we question may not completely understand the issues themselves.

So yes, this is wacky kind kind of energy and I expect it to get even more intense too... After all, when ALL of the planets are concentrated in less than 1/2 of the chart, we have to expect energy patterns like this... Where often the facts may turn out to be completely opposite of what we were lead to believe. The chart is adding a 'magnifying glass' to our key concerns... In the past, most of this would be simply ignored but now the chart is makin' sure it is comin' into the light of day!!

That's it for now...
Thanks for stoppin' by..!!
I'll talk to you guys later...

Keep the Faith...
Better Days and Higher Love are comin' soon...

daniel "whelland" dowd

The Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn has an energy where at times it can feel like you have a boat-anchor tied onto your ass... hehe... Where everything appears to be more complicated than it needs to be... (blah blah blah... you know the drill)... So this is when you need to be adaptable and open to new ideas, answers and solutions... When you need to base your actions on facts rather than hopes... What you begin now can take on a life of it's own later on and bring vast rewards and returns!!

Last Week's Horoscope       Next Week's Horoscope

daily horoscopes:

( Red = Fire ) * ( Green = Earth ) * ( Purple=Air ) * ( Blue = Water )

weekly horoscopes:

( Red = Cardinal ) ( Green = Fixed ) ( Blue = Mutable )

Today's Astrology Quote of the Day:
The natures and dispositions of men are, not without truth, distinguished from the predominance of the planets.
~ Sir Francis Bacon

Daily Tao

Great perfection seems flawed
Its function is without failure
Great fullness seems empty
Its function is without exhaustion
Great straightness seems bent

Great skill seems unrefined
Great eloquence seems inarticulate
Movement overcomes cold
Stillness overcomes heat
Clear quietness is the standard of the world

Weekly Horoscope is one of the oldest sites online... All it's ever been intended to do is to give people a general idea of what is goin' on in the Big Guy's Big Skies... It's not for profit, as all of us involved have our 'real jobs' too... We do this just because we choose to do so.

Privacy is very important to us... We DO NOT COLLECT OR SHARE ANY personal data with ANY outside sources!!

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