Weekly Horoscope for Pisces
Song of the Week
Cursum PerficioCursum Perficio
Cursum Perficio
Cursum Perficio
Cursum Perficio
Cursum Perficio
Cursum Perfici
Cursum Perficio
Cursum Perficio
Cursum Perficio
Verbum sapienti
quo plus habent
eo plus cupiunt
Post nubila, Phoebus
(translation from the latin)
I finish the Course
I finish the Course
I finish the Course
I finish the Course
I finish the Course
I finish the Course
I finish the Course
I finish the Course
I finish the Course
I finish the Course
A Word to the Wise
The More one Has
The More they Want
After the Clouds...
Comes the Sun
((( Enya - Cursum Perficio ))) Enya-Cursum-Perficio.mp3
Horoscope Cast for Monday, August 21st, 2023
by daniel "whelland" dowd
Weekly Horoscope for Pisces Summary
Today I Start my Life Anew..!!
S-L-O-W A-N-D S-T-E-A-D-Y . . .
Yes-sir-eee... This is not the time to rush or hurry... Right now is when we need to take our 'sweet ass time' and to make sure the things we do are done right the first time... It's also when we will likely have to go back and make corrections to fix/correct things that should have been done right the first time... Grrr... But... (pointing to my butt)... hehe... Making those corrections now will help us to sail through the weeks ahead without issue.
Mercury goin' retrograde always gets a bad reputation but it is actually more of the solution than the problem... It's there to open our minds to new answers, solutions, methods or just about anything... It is really the catalyst for greater learning and understanding... Trackin' with me on this?... Sorta-kinda like buying a fur-lined bathing suit may sound like a good idea on a cold day, but prove to be impractical later on... hehe...
There is a lot of focus on our interactions with others this week too... We see that when the many of the planets are 'paired' off with each other... It indicates new friendships and alliances can be made to solve common goals or objectives... It is also when many new romances begin too and that is great as long as long-term commitments are not made instantly... It's more about livin' and lovin' in the moment!!
That's it for now...
Thanks for stoppin' by..!!
I'll talk to you guys later...
Keep the Faith...
Better Days and Higher Love are comin' soon...
daniel "whelland" dowd
The Weekly Horoscope for Pisces
The Weekly Horoscope for Pisces has that 'questioning' vibe this week as to whether the words of others is matchin' up with their actions... Or if they are just tellin' you what they believe you want to hear... (it happens)... That doesn't mean there are bad intentions, it is more about who you can trust and rely upon to tell you truth even if/when it is something you would rather not hear!!
Last Week's Horoscope Next Week's Horoscope
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
weekly horoscopes:
( Red = Cardinal ) ( Green = Fixed ) ( Blue = Mutable )Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born...
Astrology does not lay claim to anything more...
~ Carl Jung
Daily Tao
The softest things of the worldOverride the hardest things of the world
That which has no substance
Enters into that which has no openings
From this I know the benefits of unattached actions
The teaching without words
The benefits of actions without attachment
Are rarely matched in the world
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