Weekly Horoscope for Sagittarius


Song of the Week

Who's watching?
Tell me who's watching
Who's watching me?

I'm just an average man, with an average life
I work from nine to five; hey hell, I pay the price
All I want is to be left alone in my average home
But why do I always feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone

And... I always feel like somebody's watching me
And I have no privacy
Woah, I always feel like somebody's watching me
Tell me is it just a dream?

When I come home at night
I bolt the door real tight
People call me on the phone I'm trying to avoid
Well, can the people on TV see me
Or am I just paranoid?

When I'm in the shower
I'm afraid to wash my hair
'Cause I might open my eyes
And find someone standing there
People say I'm crazy
Just a little touched
But maybe showers remind me of
"Psycho" too much

That's why... I always feel like somebody's watching me
And I have no privacy
Woh, I always feel like somebody's watching me
Who's playing tricks on me?

Who's watching me?
I don't know anymore
Are the neighbors watching?
Who's watching?
Well, it's the mailman watching me
(Tell me who's watching me)
And I don't feel safe anymore
Oh, what a mess I wonder who's watching me now
(Who?) the IRS?

I always feel like somebody's watching me
Woh, I always feel like somebody's watching me
Tell me it can't be
I always feel like somebody's watching me

((( Rockwell - Somebody's Watching Me )))

Horoscope Cast for Monday, September 18th, 2023

by daniel "whelland" dowd

Weekly Horoscope for Sagittarius Summary

Today I Start my Life Anew..!!

This week's chart will tend to be rather social and fun-lovin' in nature... With Mercury sittin' back in position behind the Sun, the we'll feel a lot of the pressure each of us has been under being lifted... ((( CHEER )))... It is especially strong right now because Mercury is currently in one of it's home sign (Virgo)... And this also means that we need to pay very close attention to the words and actions of others because they'll prove to be important... This is when the Big Spirit has a tendency to 'drop crumbs' of information for those that are 'alive-inside' and payin' attention to what is goin' on and the possible reasons for that too.

Feeling Kind of Tired Latey..??
This kind of energy has a way of putting a physical drain upon us too... So the idea is to 'pace' yourself and your activities to avoid 'burn-out'... Like the old guys used to tell me... "Work A Little, Rest a Little"... (actually they said 'work a little, smoke a little' but not too many people smoke cigarettes anymore)... hehe... Whatever, you know the drill... Even though technically Mercury is back in forward motions... Astrologers call this 'Stationary Direct' where there is that delay when you shift from "Reverse" into "Drive"... So it's not the best time to try to make things happen too quickly.

So the first part of the week works best when we are remaining in the moment and paying close attention to what is goin' on around us... And, later in the week the vibe begins to shift toward 'taking care of business' and focusing on the tasks that need to be done... This is when our internal energy tends to get back to normal (or beyond normal)... And that makes this a terrific time to get things done... For myself, I spent a lot of time preparing one of my cars (the Jungle Lion) for a new fuel pump... But I'll wait till the end of the week before Mercury gets back up to speed before I install it.

So that's about it for right now... We weathered what was a pretty intense storm for many over the past month or so... But now things will get back towards 'normal' but now there'll be a new and growing awareness of what is 'really' going on as always happens after Mercury returns to direct motion.

That's it for now...
Thanks for stoppin' by..!!
I'll talk to you guys later...

Keep the Faith...
Better Days and Higher Love are comin' soon...

daniel "whelland" dowd

The Weekly Horoscope for Sagittarius

The Weekly Horoscope for Sagittarius has an energy that is focused on your personal relationships and especially in paying close attention to what others are saying and doing... (do their words match up to their actions?)... It's not a 'judgmental' kind of pattern, but more about gaining understanding about what is fueling or motivating their words and actions... These insights will be needed as you are now entering a new phase of life that can be quite promising... Fresh Starts!!

Last Week's Horoscope       Next Week's Horoscope

Aries  Taurus  Gemini  Cancer  Leo  Virgo 

Libra  Scorpio  Sagittarius  Capricorn  Aquarius  Pisces 

weekly horoscopes:

  ( Red = Cardinal ) ( Green = Fixed ) ( Blue = Mutable )
  Aries  Taurus  Gemini  Cancer  Leo  Virgo 

Libra  Scorpio  Sagittarius  Capricorn  Aquarius  Pisces 

Today's Astrology Quote of the Day:
All anyone can see in a birthchart are tendencies that will become facts if he does not do something to alter them...
~ Isabel Hickey

Daily Tao

Small country, few people
Let them have many weapons but not use them
Let the people regard death seriously
And not migrate far away

Although they have boats and chariots
They have no need to take them
Although they have armors and weapons
They have no need to display them

Let the people return to tying knots and using them
Savor their food, admire their clothes
Content in their homes, happy in their customs

Neighboring countries see one another
Hear the sounds of roosters and dogs from one another
The people, until they grow old and die
Do not go back and forth with one another

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Once upon a time I had a real job working for the first Internet Company in Buffalo, New York... All the guys in the office would ask "Hey Daniel, What's in my Stars?... I'd repeat the same thing over and over again every day... So I made a web-page and called it "Hey Baby, What's your sign?"...

It became very popular... So I bought the WeeklyHoroscope.com name in 1997 and have been writing ever since for both the internet and the newspapers... But eventially I stopped writing for the newspapers because they limited me to only so many characters/spaces and I tend to ramble from time to time... hehe...

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