Weekly Horoscope for Scorpio


by daniel "whelland" dowd

Horoscopes cast for Monday, February 6th, 2023

Song of the Week

Come out Angels
Come out Ghosts
Come out Darkness
Bring everyone you know

I'm not running
I'm not scared
I am Waiting and Well Prepared

I'm in the War of my Life
At the door of my life
Out of Time and there's no where to run

I've got a Hammer
And a Heart of Glass
I got to know right now
Which walls to smash

I got a pocket
Got no pill
If fear hasn't killed me yet
Then nothing will

All the suffering
And all the pain
Never left a name

I'm in the war of my life
At the door of my life
Out of time and there's nowhere to run

I'm in the war of my life
At the core of my life
I've got no choice but to fight 'til it's done

No more suffering
No more pain
Never again

I'm in the war of my life
At the door of my life
Out of time and there's no where to run

I'm in the war of my life
I'm at the core of my life
Got no choice but to fight 'til it's done
So Fight on, fight on everyone, so fight on
Got no choice but to fight 'til it's done

I'm in the war of my life
I'm at the core of my life
I've got no choice but to fight 'til it's done

((( John Mayer - War of my Life )))

The Weekly Horoscope Summary for Scorpio...

Today I Start my Life Anew..!!

The big question we are dealing with the question of... Will the structures and systems that we currently rely upon, going to be stable in the near future??.. It is when forming strong alliances with others will be essential... This chart has a rather 'earthy' vibe of 'making the best with what we have to work with'... And remembering that magic can only happen when we live in the moment... (but that doesn't mean we can be jerky or make mistakes or choices we may later regret)...

There is a very strong emphasis on our personal relationships this week... Especially dealing with the 'Cause and Effect' of the actions we produce... It is patterns like this that bring us new ideas and fresh perspectives... These patterns are what trigger unexpected actions that may create incredible new opportunities... You'll 'know it' and 'feel it' it as it occurs... There is a very specific vibe... Or a sensation of 'silent knowing' that goes along with these transits... (you'll just know and understand it)... These planet transits are there to expand our future path and options.

Next... We have the "The Green Comet" stoppin' by passing through and checkin' out the action on good 'ol Earth... hehe... This transit sets it's focus on the 'friends, home and family' life areas... And especially the level and quality of our communication factors... The core of this is to expand our understanding of the conditions of others and where their concerns may be... When unexpected answers tend to appear in the most unusal or unexpected ways.

"When all else fails...
...They take you to War.”
~Gerald Celente

With a chart like this... And when the plans created long ago are failing and the methods from the past are no longer working... Instead of embracing new ideas, answers and solutions... History shows is that 'leaders' tend to attempt to 'force' things into happening in what can be devestating ways... Just because a person has the skills to 'reach the top' doesn't mean they have the wisdom and intelligence to find real workable answers and solutions... And with Uranus as the 'New Boss' of the 'Zac... This is when creative genuis is there to shine through... But the core of this energy is about practicality, efficiency and most of all the understanding of 'what works and what does not'... And... What might have worked in the past may no longer work in the present... Therefore the need for flexibility.

That's it for now...
Thanks for stoppin' by..!!
I'll talk to you guys later...
Keep the Faith... Better Days and Higher Love are comin' soon...

daniel "whelland" dowd

The Weekly Horoscope for Scorpio...

The Weekly Horoscope for Scorpio is there to bring you the answers and solutions that are needed to move forward... Most of it can come from the most unlikely sources or situations too... This is also when having an 'action plan' is essential and needed to 'stay on-track' and focused on your goals and objectives... Make no mistake, this is very fortunate energy but it requires effort and cooperation with others too... Rewards will come but the most liked will be the knowing you were right!!

Previous's Horoscope       Next Week's Horoscope

daily horoscopes:

aries | taurus | gemini | cancer | leo | virgo
libra | scorpio | sagittarius | capricornn | aquarius | pisces

weekly horoscopes:

aries | taurus | gemini | cancer | leo | virgo
libra | scorpio | sagittarius | capricornn | aquarius | pisces

Daily Tao

There is something formlessly created
Born before Heaven and Earth
So silent! So ethereal!
Independent and changeless
Circulating and ceaseless
It can be regarded as the mother of the world

I do not know its name
Identifying it, I call it "Tao"
Forced to describe it, I call it great
Great means passing
Passing means receding
Receding means returning
Therefore the Tao is great
Heaven is great
Earth is great
The sovereign is also great
There are four greats in the universe
And the sovereign occupies one of them
Humans follow the laws of Earth
Earth follows the laws of Heaven
Heaven follows the laws of Tao
Tao follows the laws of nature