Weekly Horoscope for Scorpio ♏

(October 23 - November 21)
Horoscope Cast for: Monday, June 3rd, 2024

by daniel "whelland" dowd

Song of the Week

There must be a thousand ways
Holding us within this maze
Every path we take leads us astray
Comfort me my only son
Till the day my work is done
There's no earthly reason we should stay

And when the wind gets under these wings
You will feel what freedom brings
Stay right by me, walk don't run
I don't want you flying too close to the Sun

Turn your eyes towards the light
Steal away in silent flight
The skies are calling out to you and me
Over sea and over land
God protect us with your hand
Bring us safely to our destiny

And now the wind is under our wings
We can taste what freedom brings
Stay right by me, walk don't run
I don't want you flying too close to the Sun

God forgive his fall from grace
The sea conceals his resting place
Can we learn to stay behind the line
If we have the means to fly
Some of us will surely die
Being reckless was his only crime

And now the wind is under our wings
We can taste what freedom brings
Stay right by me, walk don't run
I don't want you flying too close to the Sun

((( Alan Parsons - Too Close to the Sun ))

Today's Horoscope Summary...

Today We Start our Lives Anew..!!

We have an energy that can sorta-kinda be a little 'out-there' if you know the language I'm speakin'... It's the kind of vibe where the body is doin' one thing while the mind has drifted to somewhere else... So patterns like this can put us into dangerous situations (especially when driving)... So not only do we have to find the ways to stay focused on what we are doin' as we are doin' it... But we also have to be aware of what others around us are doin' too.

With Venus and the Sun exactly aligned too... That can cause others to talk about future plans as if they are already active... It's the classic case of 'thinking out-loud' like when Mercury is retrograde and people do not even realize what they're sayin'... It like the 'filters' have been removed and we can hear some really surprising statements being made... So that means bein' very slow in taking actions based solely upon what is bein' said... It's the age-old question of 'does the words of others match up with their actions'.

Once we have the above parts figgered out and handled...
The rest is a dream... hehe... It's when incredible progress can be made... Especially in bringing more organization and order to the everyday routines... Becoming more efficient too, by making 'action plans' and knowing exactly what we are going to do in 'step-by-step' ways.

Most of all though... This is great energy for social and romantic activities... (as long as the vibe remains light and bright)... So once the conversations turn to 'solving the world's problems' than it's time to move on... hehe... This energy is all about remaining in the 'here and now'... When just a simple comment or statement can spark incredible conversations... There'll be a ga-jillion new friendships and relationships that begin under these condition. So this is lookin' to be a bit strange but fun kind of week.

That's it for now...
Thanks for stoppin' by..!!
I'll talk to you guys later...

Keep the Faith...
Better Days and Higher Love are comin' soon...

daniel "whelland" dowd

The Weekly Horoscope for Scorpio...

The Weekly Horoscope for Scorpio a very teamwork oriented vibe this week... But it'll be those fine details that make the difference in how things turn and play out for you... This is a pattern where your leadership skills can really shine through the brightest... Keep in mind there will be plenty of changes coming your way that will require you to respond and react to the challenges they will bring... In a way, you are getting a lot of astrological protection right now... Most of that has to do with not allowing you to get too far ahead of yourself... Because the magic can only be found when you are 'in the moment'... Take the time to research important decisions as it's not the time to make assumptions!!

...Show some Love...

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Weekly Horoscope for Scorpio

Daily Horoscopes:
aries | taurus | gemini | cancer | leo | virgo
libra | scorpio | sagittarius | capricorn | aquarius | pisces
Weekly Horoscopes:
aries | taurus | gemini | cancer | leo | virgo
libra | scorpio | sagittarius | capricorn | aquarius | pisces

Your Daily Tao

In using the military, there is a saying:
I dare not be the host, but prefer to be the guest
I dare not advance an inch, but prefer to withdraw a foot

This is called marching in formation without formation
Raising arms without arms
Grappling enemies without enemies
Holding weapons without weapons
There is no greater disaster than to underestimate the enemy
Underestimating the enemy almost made me lose my treasures

So when evenly matched armies meet
The side that is compassionate shall win