Weekly Horoscope for Virgo
Song of the Week
Tried to amend my carnivorous habitsMade it nearly seventy days
Losin' weight without speed, eatin' sunflower seeds
Drinkin' lots of carrot juice and soakin' up rays
But at night I'd had these wonderful dreams
Some kind of sensuous treat
Not zucchini, fettucini or Bulgar wheat
But a big warm bun and a huge hunk of meat
Cheeseburger in paradise (paradise)
Heaven on earth with an onion slice (paradise)
Not too particular not too precise (paradise)
I'm just a cheeseburger in paradise
Heard about the old time sailor men
They eat the same thing again and again
Warm beer and bread they said could raise the dead
Well it reminds me of the menu at a holiday inn
Times have changed for sailors these days
When I'm in port I get what I need
Not just Havanas or bananas or daiquiris
But that American creation on which I feed
I like mine with lettuce and tomato
Heinz 57 and french fried potatoes
Big kosher pickle and a cold draft beer
Well good god almighty which way do I steer for my
I like mine with lettuce and tomato
Heinz 57 and french fried potatoes
Big kosher pickle and a cold draft beer
Well good god almighty which way do I steer for my
((( Jimmy Buffett - Cheeseburger in Paradise )))
Horoscope Cast for Monday, August 24th, 2020
by daniel "whelland" dowd
Weekly Horoscope for Virgo Summary
Happy Birthday Mom..!!!
This week's chart has a hell of a lot of depth embedded deep within it... The kind that reaches up from the depths of our hearts and souls... I 'Spose you could say it's the 'heart' that rules the day over the mind.
While this energy is fantastic, it doesn't take rocket science to 'figger out' this can get us into trouble if we're not careful... Hehe... Both thoughts and feelings can be deceiving at times, when a thought is wrong we can say "Yeah, I screwed that idea up"... hehe... But when a feeling is wrong, it's a hell of a lot harder to 'let it go'... That's what we are dealing with now as the world is turning another page.
With Mercury moving ahead of the Sun, this is also when 'mixed messages' tend to appear too... While the 'words' can come out right, this is when others can misinterpret what was said... You know what I mean when you know you said one thing but someone else 'swears' you said something completely different... So again, just what I wrote up above, a lot of extra care and caution is needed at this moment in time.
The great part is that is Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn are gaining some 'distance' from each other (4 degrees apart)... So that adds some breathing room... We're going to be feeling a major (and I mean MAJOR) shift starting to take place as these planets are getting ready to move into forward motion... That will prove to be 'when the world wakes up from history'... And that will also be when the world needs to 'choose a direction' that hopefully can work for everybody.
Yesterday would be my Mom's birthday...
So that means it is 'Hamburger Day'... My mom's absolute favorite thing was big burgers with tomatoes and with tons of onions... (that's how she rolled)... hehe... So our whole families have burgers on this day... With our schedules, all us 'local' Dowd's make it over to the cemetery at different times of the day... It's funny to see what each of us leave there... Perhaps a coin... Flowers... I left a tomato and an onion... I heard the burgers are 'heavenly' in heaven so I knew she'd have that part covered but not sure if the tomatoes and onions would be available there... Hehe...
That's it for now... I'll talk to you guys in the Daily 'Scopes...
Keep the Faith... Better Days and Higher Love are comin' soon...
daniel "whelland" dowd
The Weekly Horoscope for Virgo
The weekly horoscope for Virgo has an energy where you need to be very careful in terms of your words and actions... Especially where the impressions of others might assign to them... This energy has a way of making you so much more aware, but it also has a very free-spirited vibe that can come out at the wrong times... hehe... Later in the week, the vibe is a lot more serious and a good time to focus on home, family and personal finances.
Last Week's Horoscope Next Week's Horoscope
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
weekly horoscopes:
( Red = Cardinal ) ( Green = Fixed ) ( Blue = Mutable )Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Daily Tao
The appearance of great virtueFollows only the Tao
The Tao, as a thing
Seems indistinct, seems unclear
So unclear, so indistinct
Within it there is image
So indistinct, so unclear
Within it there is substance
So deep, so profound
Within it there is essence
Its essence is supremely real
Within it there is faith
From ancient times to the present
Its name never departs
To observe the source of all things
How do I know the nature of the source?
With this
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